Worry and Anxiety in a mad, mad world.


Sunday - Worship service 9:45- bible class 11:00-Evening service 6:00- Wednesday - 7PM bible class

by: Mark Mitchell



We all know that we live in a somewhat violent and volatile time in our world. In the past week we read and saw the news pertaining to shooting in a Church of Christ in Fort Worth, murder of Jews in New York, and even bombings in Iraq. This would not include all the crimes pertaining to others that has occurred recently. Our world seems to be coming apart at the seams. So, what do we do? The problem seems so big. We feel that there is nothing that we could possibly do as one person or as a small group. Because of that helplessness, we worry more about everything. Our nation is experiencing so much worry that the percentages of anxiety is on a steep incline. Today 1 in 5 is dealing with a form of anxiety disorder. That is an overwhelming statistic. Even more alarming is that millennials are the most anxious generation yet.

According to an article out of Medical News Today quote: The disorder is especially common and impairing in high-income countries despite a negative association between GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) and socioeconomic status within countries.”

So, the people with more deal with anxiety more. It also doesn’t help that news is on 24 hours a day. So we are in information overload of bad news and tragic events.

I don’t want anyone to think that I am being insensitive to anyone suffering with depression, anxiety, or any issue of stress. But as a believer in Jesus, we can read several verses pertaining to this. In Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

In order to have an honest discussion on worry and anxiety, we need to define the cause of it. In layman’s terms anxiety is the result of not being able to control the outcome of a moment or event in our life. And, because we can’t fix that, we worry and fear the unknown.

The truth is we all deal with this feeling and condition in our life. Jesus did also. Read the story of him at the Mount of Olives. He worried over his future too. Worry is a natural thing that God placed in us to help us distinguish danger in our life. That is a good thing. But, when we let it rule our life, we forget about God.

Hopefully as we go forward, we will let some of the worry go. As we remember our Lord’s love for us, we will trust him more. When we do the outcome will not be so overwhelming to us. That doesn’t mean that bad things are not going to happen. This life here on this earth was never intended to be like heaven. In fact, for believers in Jesus, this will be the only hell we ever know. But danger can be around every corner. As Jesus told his disciples, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

If you need to take medication, do that. Just keep in mind you are not alone in this life. Not only is our Lord and the Spirit with you, so are we. And, above all pray for help and strength in this life we live here.

Mark Mitchell

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We all know that we live in a somewhat violent and volatile time in our world. In the past week we read and saw the news pertaining to shooting in a Church of Christ in Fort Worth, murder of Jews in New York, and even bombings in Iraq. This would not include all the crimes pertaining to others that has occurred recently. Our world seems to be coming apart at the seams. So, what do we do? The problem seems so big. We feel that there is nothing that we could possibly do as one person or as a small group. Because of that helplessness, we worry more about everything. Our nation is experiencing so much worry that the percentages of anxiety is on a steep incline. Today 1 in 5 is dealing with a form of anxiety disorder. That is an overwhelming statistic. Even more alarming is that millennials are the most anxious generation yet.

According to an article out of Medical News Today quote: The disorder is especially common and impairing in high-income countries despite a negative association between GAD(generalized anxiety disorder) and socioeconomic status within countries.”

So, the people with more deal with anxiety more. It also doesn’t help that news is on 24 hours a day. So we are in information overload of bad news and tragic events.

I don’t want anyone to think that I am being insensitive to anyone suffering with depression, anxiety, or any issue of stress. But as a believer in Jesus, we can read several verses pertaining to this. In Matthew 6:27 Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life? Matthew 6:34 Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.

In order to have an honest discussion on worry and anxiety, we need to define the cause of it. In layman’s terms anxiety is the result of not being able to control the outcome of a moment or event in our life. And, because we can’t fix that, we worry and fear the unknown.

The truth is we all deal with this feeling and condition in our life. Jesus did also. Read the story of him at the Mount of Olives. He worried over his future too. Worry is a natural thing that God placed in us to help us distinguish danger in our life. That is a good thing. But, when we let it rule our life, we forget about God.

Hopefully as we go forward, we will let some of the worry go. As we remember our Lord’s love for us, we will trust him more. When we do the outcome will not be so overwhelming to us. That doesn’t mean that bad things are not going to happen. This life here on this earth was never intended to be like heaven. In fact, for believers in Jesus, this will be the only hell we ever know. But danger can be around every corner. As Jesus told his disciples, “I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves.”

If you need to take medication, do that. Just keep in mind you are not alone in this life. Not only is our Lord and the Spirit with you, so are we. And, above all pray for help and strength in this life we live here.

Mark Mitchell

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