Love One Another


Sunday - Worship service 9:45- bible class 11:00-Evening service 6:00- Wednesday - 7PM bible class

by: Mark Mitchell



Hey guys this coming Friday is Valentine’s Day. I know there are those that think this is a made-up holiday. That the florist and card industry created this day for their own purposes. I get all that. But there is never anything wrong with telling someone how much you love them. More importantly it is always better when you show them how much you love them.

Love is described in the Greek language eight different ways.

  • 1.Eros is described as the physical or emotional passion toward another.
  • 2.Philiais described as compatible love like brother or sister.
  • 3.Storge is a love that comes from natural obligation like parents.
  • 4.Pragma is a long-standing love like older relationships.
  • 5.Ludus is a playful love like young people will have like puppy love.
  • 6.Philautia is self-love which can be good or bad.
  • 7.Mania is an obsessive love that can be dangerous or addictive like drugs.
  • 8.Agapeis a love that is decided and unconditional meaning it is not dependent on it being returned.

You and I will experience in our life all of these different forms of love. But generally, when we read the bible and love is described, it is speaking of Agape form of love. This love is shown even when it is undeserved. Even if I am an angry spouse or friend you show me love. This love is not dependent on my behavior or willingness to accept or return this love. That is why it is often explained as the love of God. Because you and I know that kind of love is really hard to give.

Most of us live by the concept that love is expressed by our feelings. And when I don’t feel love, I don’t express love. Most of the time we give as good as we get. This is more true today than any other time. We seem to give back whatever we receive. Anger for anger, hate for hate, and impatience for impatience are the traditions of today.

When Jesus said to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, it was not with the idea if we feel like it. The point was to decide to love even when you don’t necessarily want to. If we wait till, we want to love, we may never experience love.

This is just as true when we love our neighbor as our self. We decide to love even when it doesn’t make any sense at all. Even when they are never going to return love to us. Jesus says to love even our enemies.

This is gets to be very difficult sometimes. The truth is love was not meant to begin with my feelings but instead a decision that I make. When I decide to love that can make all the difference.

So, when you decide to show that special someone in your life how much that mean to you, explain your love is not completely based on them returning your love. But you sure do appreciate it when they do.

Happy Valentine’s Day by Mark Mitchell

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Hey guys this coming Friday is Valentine’s Day. I know there are those that think this is a made-up holiday. That the florist and card industry created this day for their own purposes. I get all that. But there is never anything wrong with telling someone how much you love them. More importantly it is always better when you show them how much you love them.

Love is described in the Greek language eight different ways.

  • 1.Eros is described as the physical or emotional passion toward another.
  • 2.Philiais described as compatible love like brother or sister.
  • 3.Storge is a love that comes from natural obligation like parents.
  • 4.Pragma is a long-standing love like older relationships.
  • 5.Ludus is a playful love like young people will have like puppy love.
  • 6.Philautia is self-love which can be good or bad.
  • 7.Mania is an obsessive love that can be dangerous or addictive like drugs.
  • 8.Agapeis a love that is decided and unconditional meaning it is not dependent on it being returned.

You and I will experience in our life all of these different forms of love. But generally, when we read the bible and love is described, it is speaking of Agape form of love. This love is shown even when it is undeserved. Even if I am an angry spouse or friend you show me love. This love is not dependent on my behavior or willingness to accept or return this love. That is why it is often explained as the love of God. Because you and I know that kind of love is really hard to give.

Most of us live by the concept that love is expressed by our feelings. And when I don’t feel love, I don’t express love. Most of the time we give as good as we get. This is more true today than any other time. We seem to give back whatever we receive. Anger for anger, hate for hate, and impatience for impatience are the traditions of today.

When Jesus said to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind, and strength, it was not with the idea if we feel like it. The point was to decide to love even when you don’t necessarily want to. If we wait till, we want to love, we may never experience love.

This is just as true when we love our neighbor as our self. We decide to love even when it doesn’t make any sense at all. Even when they are never going to return love to us. Jesus says to love even our enemies.

This is gets to be very difficult sometimes. The truth is love was not meant to begin with my feelings but instead a decision that I make. When I decide to love that can make all the difference.

So, when you decide to show that special someone in your life how much that mean to you, explain your love is not completely based on them returning your love. But you sure do appreciate it when they do.

Happy Valentine’s Day by Mark Mitchell

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